Spring Holidays
21.4.2025 - 25.4.2025 Intensivcamp in SFCS, Dübendorf
28.4.2025 - 2.5.2025 Intensivcamp in SFCS, Dübendorf
Summer holidays
14.07.2025 - 18.07.2025 Tenniscamp in SFCS, Dübendorf
21.07.2025 - 25.07.2025 Tenniscamp in SFCS, Dübendorf
11.8.2025 - 15.8.2025 Tenniscamp in SFCS, Dübendorf
Autumn holidays
6.10.2025 - 10.10.2025 Tenniscamp in SFCS, Dübendorf
13.10.2025 - 17.10.2025 Tenniscamp in SFCS, Dübendorf
09.2.2026 - 13.2.2025 Tenniscamp in SFCS, Dübendorf
16.2.2026 - 20.2.2026 Tenniscamp in SFCS, Dübendorf
Daily routine: Monday to Friday
9 - 12 am: competition training (2 hrs tennis, 1 hr physical training)
grouped by age and level
12.15 pm: lunch in the center restaurant
1 - 3 pm: Monday and Tuesday singles and doubles, Daviscup
Thursday afternnoon and Friday: tournament
Wednesday afternoon: polysportive afternoon or visit to a swimming pool
(depending on weather swimming, football, badminton or squash in the center)
It is also possible to book only half day, with or without lunch.
For beginner and children younger than 8 we recommend it.
Costs: CHF 790.-, (Christmas holidays CHF 632.- if it's 4 days),
including sports program, lunch
half-day program CHF 480.-, + lunch CHF 75.-
Participants: kids and teenager starting from level advanced (level orange)
to R4 (age 6 to 18 years), beginners by request
Coaches: TTS-Team Coaches
Dead line: one week before camp
Register by calling: +41 44 380 31 77 or here: after successful registration appears the message:
"Besten Dank für ihre Anmeldung."
Please consider, that your registration is binding. You receive a Programm/ Bestaetigung/ Rechnung by post. With your payment the registration becomes definite. Thanks a lot!